Thursday, 18 October 2012

CD Design Analysis

How does my CD cover relate to the genre? 

My CD cover relates to the genre through the dark colours being a majority of the cover and then having splashes of vibrant colours (The purple eyelashes) which in a way can connect with the genre through it's mainly quite gothic and downbeat and then you get splashes on neon colours in their clothing.

What has worked well?

The emphasis on the eyes and adding the false eyelashes with the modified eye shadow has worked well because it attracts attention to the cover and is easily recognised.

What have I learnt? 

I have learnt how to use layers in Photoshop to my advantage and to edit them so that there are splashes over colour instead of having either black and white or colour, you get the chance to use both!

What I like; 

The things that I like the most about my CD design is the emphasis and connection between the name and the image used on the front cover. It shows that I've thought about how the image should relate to the title, also the purple eyelashes in the photo relate closely to the title of the band 'Painted Eyelashes'.

What I dislike; 

 I dislike the title font because I rushed into it and didn't take it into careful consideration. Although it relates to the genre well, it wouldn't be my first choice if I have the time.

What I'd change;
I'd change the font because I don't like the way it makes my cover look childish, although it does relate to the genre quite well, I'd rather have it so it looks quite mature.

Painted Eyelashes - Cd Design.

Mood Board - Theme 'Punk'